Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Not much to talk about today. Crazy with midterm work. So here's a pic shop down on the corner.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Blogs I Like

A viewer reminded me of one of my favorite photographer bloggers (can't believe it took me this long to post about him) Markus Bollingmo. You should go give him a look, he does great stuff. I'm posting his blog url but you can get to his other sites from there.

Sidewalk Chalk

When your a little kid, is there anything better than chalk? (well possibly crayons). Well art school gives chalk a whole new meaning! Today was the sidewalk chalk drawing competition. Wait until you see what these kids can do with chalk!!! Ok, technically the first two are what I can do with a camera....

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Busy week!

So it's been a busy week here at art school. Not, however a terribly exciting one. Lot of projects that were due and got done. Had a few really interesting conversations with a couple of people. It's a good idea to get a different point of view once in a while. Thought I'd leave you with another pic of Devan from my summer shoot. If anyone is reading this besides me, drop me a comment let me know what you think.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Blogs I like:

Mikel Marton (toxicboy)

I absolutly love Mikel Marton's work. He is fresh, Irreverant, and not afraid to get naked.

Here's a picture of Mikel Himself. Love this picture!!

So go check him out for your self at:

Gorilla Shooting

So I went gorrilla shooting today, gorilla shooting is when you just grab the camera and go, shoot whatever catches your eye. Here's a few of the shots....

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Blogs I like

This is Ryan Pfluger. If you don't know his work I suggest you go check some of it out. He is definatly one of my favorite contempory photographers. It's become a bit of a ritual for me to check his site each night just before I go to bed to see what new and exciting things he's up to. Kudos Ryan.
You can check out Ryans work at:


This is Devan, I shot this photo back in Maine before I left for art school. Very cool guy, very free spirit.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It fit! (sort of.....)

So I made it to art school. I promised myself when I left Maine that if it didn't fit on the bike, it wasn't going with me. It's a promise I kept. As you can see, she was a bit overloaded, but the ride was smooth and uneventful. (accept for the guy who forced me out of my lane on 93 south).
It's funny thing, I left a house full of stuff behind, but don't miss any of it. (well maybe my 47" LCD tv) sometimes less really is more!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

One for the road....

My first picture post of one of my favorite models. This is Nate, I've done a lot of work with him and will post more down the line.

New Beginnings & Old endings

They say that a journy of a thousand miles begins with one step. Today is a day for packing and saying so long to an old way of life. Tomorrow I say hello to the new. I have always wanted to go to art school and study photography, but life got sidetracked with well life, and I never got there. In January, on a whim (a very strong whim mind you) I said what the heck and applied to art school. Whats the big deal you might say, a lot of kids do that. Which is true except I'm not a kid, I'm a middle aged high school teacher with 21 years of teaching, a house, a car, a cat, and all of the trappings that go with it. To give it all up and go back to college was a major life changing experience. Ah well, the short of it is, I got accepted, quit my job (in this economy can you believe it?) Sold the house last week (to friends of mine who are very generously going to watch over my extremely fat cat) and tomorrow I will be on the road to art school. Most people think I'm crazy! I hope this blog to be a journal of that journey.

Monday, August 24, 2009

And so it begins

every beginning starts with something ending......